M.I.T. Radiation Laboratory Series

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著 者:M.I.T.
出 版:Artech   /   1999年


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Volume 1 - Radar System Engineering - Louis N. Ridenour
The Radar Equation. Properties of Radar Targets. Limitations of Pulse Radar C-W Radar Systems. The Gathering and Presentation of Radar Data. The Employment of Radar Data. Radar Beacons. Antennas, Scanners, and Stabilization. The Magnetron and the Pulser. RF Components. The Receiving System - Radar Receivers. The Receiving System - Indicators. Prime Power Supplies for Radar. Examples of Radar System Design. Moving-Target Indication. Radar Relay. Index. (1947)
Volume 2 - Radar Aids to Navigation - John S. Hall
Introduction. Principles of Radar. Non-Radar Navigational Methods. Airborne Radar. Characteristics of Airborne Radar. Special Aids and Devices. Special Design Considerations. Engineering and Economic Considerations. Ground-Based Radar. Types of Ground-Based Radar and Special Equipment. Radar Aids to Air Navigation and Traffic Control. Shipborne Radar. Navigation and Pilotage. A Shipborne Navigational Radar. Index. (1947)
Volume 3 - Radar Beacons - Arthur Roberts
Basic Considerations. The Uses of Beacons. The Requirements of Systems Using Beacons: Range Considerations. Propagation and Coverage Considerations. Coding and Communication. Traffic and Engineering Considerations. Beacon Design: RF Components. Beacon Receivers. Interrogation Coding. Response Coders. Beacons as Pulse Communication Systems. Modulators. Beacon Transmitters: Magnetrons. Triode Transmitters. Power Supplies and Performance Testing. Beacon Synthesis. Interrogator and System Design. Radar Design for Beacon Operation. The Design of Interrogator-Responsers. Typical Beacon Systems. Beacons in the Field. Installation, Operation, and Maintenance. Appendix. Glossary. List of Symbols. Index. (1947)
Volume 4 - LORAN, Long Range Navigation - John A. Pierce et al
The LORAN System. Introduction. History of LORAN. Principles of LORAN. Future Trends. Propagation. Methods of Computation of LORAN - Tables and Graphs. LORAN Equipment. Timers. Switching Equipment. Transmitters. Antenna Systems. Receiver Indicators. Special Techniques and Measurements. The LORAN Program in the Hydrographic Office. LORAN Ground Stations. Demonstrations Concerning the Geometry of LORAN Lines. Bibliography. Index. (1948)
Volume 5 - Pulse Generators - G. Norris Glasgoe et al
Introduction. The Hard-Tube Pulser. The Output Circuit of a Hard-Tube Pulser. Vacuum Tubes as Switches. Driver Circuits. Particular Applications. The Line-Type Pulser. The Pulse-Forming Network. The Discharging Circuit of the Line-Type Pulser. Switches for Line-Type Pulsers. The Charging Circuit of the Line-Type Pulser. Performance of Line-Type Pulsers. Particular Applications. Pulse Transformers. Elementary Theory of Pulse Transformers. Pulse Transformer Design. Effect of Pulse Transformer Parameters on Circuit Behaviors. Materials and Their Uses in Design. Measuring Techniques. Pulse Duration and Amplitude. List of Symbols. Index. (1948)
Volume 6 - Microwave Magnetrons - George B. Collins
Resonant Systems. The Unstrapped Resonant System. The Rising Sun System. The Strapped System. Output Circuits. Analysis of Operation. The Interaction of the Electrons and the Electromagnetic Field. The Space Charge as a Circuit Element. Transient Behavior.
Noise. Design. Principles of Design. The Resonant System. The Cathode. The Magnetic Circuit. Tuning and Stabilization. Mechanical Tuning. Electronic Tuning. Stabilization of Frequency. Practice. Construction. Measurements. Typical Magnetrons. Index. (1948)
Volume 7 - Klystrons and Microwave Triodes - Donald R. Hamilton et al
Fundamentals. Introduction. Discussion of Tube Types and Functions. Basic Electronic Phenomena at High Frequencies. Basic Circuit Phenomena at High Frequencies. Planar Space-Charge Tubes. Theory of HF Space Charge Devices. Space Charge Devices as Microwave Amplifiers. Microwave Triode Oscillators. Pulse Operation of Microwave Triodes.
Klystrons. Velocity Modulation and Klystron Bunching. Amplifier Klystrons. Frequency Multiplier Klystrons and Two Resonator Klystron Oscillators. Reflex Klystron Oscillators.
Nonideal Reflectors. Hysteresis in Reflex Klystrons. Load Effects in Reflex Klystrons. Reflex Klystron Modulation. Noise in Reflex Klystrons. Practical Reflex Klystrons. Index. (1948)
Volume 8 - Principles of Microwave Circuits - Carol G. Montgomery et al
Introduction. Electromagnetic Waves. Waveguides as Transmission Lines. Elements of Network Theory. General Microwave Circuit Theorems. Waveguide Circuit Elements. Resonant Cavities as Microwave Circuit Elements. Radial Transmission Lines. Waveguide Junctions with Several Arms. Mode Transformations. Dielectrics in Waveguides. The Symmetry of Waveguide Junctions. Index. (1948)
Volume 9 - Microwave Transmission Circuits - George L. Ragan
Introduction. Elementary Line Theory. Materials and Construction Techniques. Rigid Transmission Lines. Flexible Coupling Units and Lines. Transition Units. Motional Joints.
Tuners, Power Dividers, and Switches. The Theory of Microwave Filters. The Design of Microwave Filters. Index. (1948)
Volume 10 - Waveguide Handbook - Nathan Marcuvitz
Transmission Lines. Transmission Line Modes. Microwave Networks. Two-Terminal Structures. Four-Terminal Structures. Six-Terminal Structures. Eight-Terminal Structures. Composite Structures. Appendix. Glossary. Index. (1951)
Volume 11 - Technique of Microwave Measurement - Carol G. Montgomery
Introduction. Power Generation and Measurement. Power Sources. Microwave Power Measurements. Microwave Signal Generators. Wavelength and Frequency. Measurements.
The Measurement of Wavelength. Frequency Measurements. The Measurement of Frequency Spectrum and Pulse Shape. The Measurement of Impedance and Standing Waves.
Measurements of Standing Waves. Impedance Bridges. The Measurement of Dielectric Constants. Attenuators and Radiation Measurements. Microwave Attenuators: Cutoff Attenuators. Microwave Attenuators: Resistive Attenuators. The Measurement of Attenuation. Directional Couplers. RF Phase and Pattern Measurements. Manufacturers of Microwave Equipment. Index. (1947)
Volume 12 - Microwave Antenna Theory and Design - Samuel Silver
Survey of Microwave Antenna Design Problems. Circuit Relations, Reciprocity Theorems. Radiation from Current Distributions. Wave Fronts and Rays. Scattering and Diffraction. Aperture Illumination and Antenna Patterns. Microwave Transmission Lines.
Microwave Dipole Antennas and Feeds. Linear Arrays Antennas and Feeds. Waveguide and Horn Feeds. Dielectric and Metal-Plate Lenses. Pencil-Beam and Simple Fanned-Beam Antennas. Shaped-Beam Antennas. Antenna Installation Problems. Antenna Measurements - Problems. Index. (1949)
Volume 13 - Propagation of Short Radio Waves - Donald E. Kerr
Elements of the Problem. Theory of Propagation in Horizontally Stratified Atmosphere. Meteorology of the Refraction Problem. Experimental Studies of Refraction. Reflections from the Earth's Surface. Radar Targets and Echoes. Meteorological Echoes. Atmospheric Attenuation. Appendix. Index. (1951)
Volume 14 - Microwave Duplexers - Louis D. Smullin et al
Introduction. Linear Theory of High-Q TR Tubes. Bandpass TR Tubes. Characteristics of ATR Switches at Low Power Levels. Microwave Gas Discharges. The TR and ATR Tubes at High Power. The Principles of Branched Duplexing Circuits. Practical Branched Duplexers and Balanced Duplexes. Measurement Techniques. Index. (1948)
Volume 15 - Crystal Rectifiers - Henry C. Torrey
Introduction. General Properties. Fundamental Properties of the Crystal Rectifier.
Properties of Semiconductors. The Semiconductor-Metal Contact. The Crystal Converter.
Frequency Conversion. Noise Generation. Loss and Noise Measurements. Burnout. Test Equipment. Manufacturing Techniques. Special Types. Low-Level Detection. High-Inverse-Voltage Rectifiers. Welded-Contact Germanium Crystals. The Reciprocity Theorem of Dicke. Skin Effect at a Metal-semiconductor Contact. Spreading Resistance of an Elliptical Contact. Crystal-Rectifier Types and Specifications. Index. (1948)
Volume 16 - Microwave Mixers - Robert V. Pound
Introduction. Crystal Rectifier Units. Simple Microwave Crystal Mixer Circuits. Multiple-Function Mixers. Local-Oscillator Noise. Balanced Mixers. Frequency Control of Local Oscillators. Special Measurement Techniques. Index. (1948)
Volume 17 - Components Handbook - John F. Blackburn
Wires and Cables. Fixed-Composition Resistors. Fixed Wire-Wound and Miscellaneous Resistors. Iron-Core Inductors. Piezoelectric Devices. Electromagnetic Delay Lines.
Supersonic Delay Lines. Potentiometers. Special Variable Condensers. Rotary Inductors.
Instrument Motors and Tachometers. Power Supplies. Relays and Related Devices. Receiving Tubes. Index. (1949)
Volume 18 - Vacuum Tube Amplifiers - George E. Valley
Linear-Circuit Analysis and Transient Response. High-Fidelity Pulse Amplifiers. Pulse Amplifiers of Large Dynamic Range. Synchronous and Staggered Single-Tuned High-Frequency Bandpass Amplifiers. Double-Tuned Circuits. High-Frequency Feedback Amplifiers. Bandpass Amplifiers: Pulse Response and General Considerations. Amplifier Measurement and Testing. Low-Frequency Amplifiers with Stabilized Gain. Low-Frequency Feedback Amplifiers. Direct-Coupled Amplifiers. Amplifier Sensitivity. Minimal Noise Circuits. Measurement of Noise Figure. Noise Generators. Realizability of Filters. Calculation of Load-Tuning Condenser. Drift of Vacuum-Tube Characteristics Under Constant Applied Potentials. Index. (1948)
Volume 19 - Waveforms - Britton Chance et al
Introduction. Operations on Waveforms with Linear Circuit Elements. Operations with Nonlinear Circuit Elements. Sinusoidal Waveform Generators. Generation of Fast Waveforms. Blocking Oscillators and Delay-Line Pulse Generators. Generation of Triangular Waveforms. Generation of Special Waveforms. Amplitude, Selection, Comparison and Discrimination. Time Selection. Electrical Amplitude Modulation. Electromechanical Modulators. Time Modulation. Amplitude and Time Demodulation. Sinusoidal Frequency Multipliers and Dividers. Pulse-Recurrence-Frequency Division. Counting. Mathematical Operations on Waveforms I. Mathematical Operations on Waveforms II. Oscilloscopic Techniques in Waveform Measurement. Storage Tubes. Electrical Delay Lines. Supersonic Delay Device. Bibliography. Appendices. Glossary. Index. (1949)
Volume 20 - Electronic Time Measurements - Britton Chance et al
Introduction. Radio Distance and Speed Measurements. Techniques of Pulse-Time Measurements. Generation of Fixed Indices. Generation of Movable Indices - Single-Scale Circuits. Generation of Movable Indices - Circuits. Manual Measurements. Techniques of Automatic Time Measurement. Systems for Automatic Time and Position Measurement. Special Data-Transmission Systems. Relay Radar Systems. Delay and Cancellation of Recurrent Wave Trains. Glossary. Index. (1949)
Volume 21 - Electronic Instruments - Ivan A. Greenwood
Electronic Analogue Computers. Introduction. Computer Design. Arithmetic Operations. Calculus. The Generation of Functions. Grouped Operations. Examples of Computer Design. Instrument Servomechanisms. Introduction and Summary of Design Procedures. Servo Theory: Introduction and Transient Analysis. Servo Theory: Frequency Analysis. Servo Theory: Evaluation and Correction of System Performance and Special Problems. Choice and Design of Components. Experimental Techniques. Special Servo Systems. Voltage and Current Regulators. Regulator Elements. Practical Regulator Design. Pulse Test Equipment. Development and Design. Practical Radar Test Oscilloscope Designs. The Design and Construction of Electronic Apparatus. Index. (1948)
Volume 22 - Cathode Ray Tube Displays - Theodore Soller
Introduction. Cathode-Ray Tubes. Focus Coils and Focus Magnets. Circuit Techniques. Position-Data Transmission. Electronic Markers and Indices. Deflection-Modulated Displays. Deflection Coils. Pattern Distortions on Magnetic Cathode-Ray Tubes. Sweep Amplifiers for Reactive Loads. Rectangular Coordinate Displays. Special Deflection Coils for Off-Centering. Radial-Time-Base Displays. Sector Display Indicators. Range-Height Displays. Mechanical and Optical Devices. Spot Size. Screens for Cathode-Ray Tubes. Construction of Focusing Devices. Construction and Characteristics of Deflection Coils. Impregnation of Deflection and Focus Coils. Cathode-Ray Tube Characteristics. Video Amplifiers. Index. (1948)
Volume 23 - Microwave Receivers - Stanley N. Van Voorhis
Introduction. Duplexers, Microwave Mixers, and Local Oscillators. AFC Systems and Circuits. I-F. Input Circuits. VHF Amplifiers, Mixers, And Oscillators. Intermediate-Frequency Amplifiers. Second Detectors. Video Amplifiers. Gain-Control Circuits. Mechanical Construction of Receivers. R-F Test Equipment. I-F Test Equipment. A Simple Radar Receiver. An Airborne Receiver Incorporating Anticlutter Circuits.
Receiver for an Automatic-Tracking Radar. A Two-Band 200mc/sec Superheterodyne Receiver. Wide-Band F-M Receiver. Beacon Superheterodyne Receivers. Crystal Video Receivers. Superregenerative Receivers. MTI Receivers. Index. (1948)
Volume 24 - Threshold Signals - James L. Lawson
Introduction. Types of Signals and Methods for their Reception. Theoretical Introduction. Basic Origins of Internal Noise. Receiver Noise. External Noise Sources - Clutter. The Detectability of Signals in the Presence of Noise. Pulse Trains in Internal Noise. Pulse Trains in Internal Noise - Other Methods of Presentation. Modulated Pulse Trains.
Threshold Pulsed Signals in Clutter. Threshold Signals in Electronic Interference. Threshold Modulations for Amplitude Modulated and Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave Systems. Index. (1950)
Volume 25 - Theory of Servomechanisms - Hubert M. James
Servo Systems. Mathematical Background. Servo Elements. General Design Principles for Servomechanisms. Filters and Servo Systems with Pulsed Data. Statistical Properties of Time-Variable Data. RMS-Error Criterion in Servo Mechanism Design. Applications of the New Design Method. Appendix. Index. (1947)
Volume 26 - Radar Scanners and Radomes - Willoughby M. Cady et al
Radar Scanners. Uses of Radar Scanners. Ground and Ship Antennas. Ground Antenna Mounts. Stabilization of Ship Antennas. Ship Antenna Mounts. Airborne Scanners.
Stabilization of Airborne Antennas. Scanner Control Mechanisms. Radomes. General Survey of the Radome Problem. Electrical Design of Normal Incidence Radomes. Electrical Design of Streamlined Radomes. Theory of the Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic Waves by Dielectric Materials. Radome Materials and Methods of Fabrication. Installation and Testing of Radomes. Appendix: Formulas for Stabilization of Ship Antennas. Glossary. Index. (1948)
Volume 27 - Computing Mechanisms and Linkages - Antonin Svoboda et al
Computing. Mechanisms and Linkages. Bar-Linkage Computers. Basic Concepts and Terminology. Harmonic Transformer Linkages. The Three-Bar Linkage. Linkage Combinations with One Degree of Freedom. Final Adjustment of Linkage Constants. Linkages with Two Degrees of Freedom. Bar Linkage Multipliers. Bar-Linkage Function Generators with Two Degrees of Freedom. Tables of Harmonic Transformer Functions. Properties of the Three-Bar-Linkage Monogram. Index. (1948)
Volume 28 - Index - Keith Henney, Ed.
Establishment of the Radiation Laboratory. Organization of the Radiation Laboratory. Preparation of the Radiation Laboratory Series. Introduction. (1953)
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M.I.T. Radiation Laboratory Series

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