Multiantenna Wireless Communication Systems

¥ 11,600
著 者:Sergio Barbarossa
出 版:Artech   /   2005年



Introduction ・SISO Systems, MIMO Systems, Cooperative Communications, A Brief Historical Perspective, A Quick Detour Through the World of Numbers, Scope of This Book, Book Overview, Preliminaries, References

Channel Models and Modes ・Introduction, Wavefields, SISO Channels, MIMO Channels, Modes, Analysis of Real Data, Summary, References

Multicarrier Systems ・Introduction, Block Transmission Systems, OFDM, System Design Issues, Channel Estimation, Synchronization, Multiuser Systems, Case Study: IEEE 802.11, Summary, References

Multiple Access Systems ・Introduction, General Principles, Code Division Multiple Access, Case Study: UMTS, Space-Division Multiple Access, Summary, References

Diversity and Multiplexing Gain in Open-Loop MIMO Systems ・Introduction, Statistical Properties of the Eigenvalues of Random Matrices, Fundamental Performance Parameters, Diversity Gain, Multiplexing Gain, Rate-Diversity Trade-off, Capacity Limits in Case of Partial Channel Knowledge at the Receiver, Summary, References

Optimal Design of Closed-Loop MIMO Systems ・Introduction, Mathematical Tools, Optimization Strategies, SISO Channels, MISO Channels, MIMO Systems, Optimal Design in Case of Partial Channel Knowledge, Optimal Access Methods, The Cocktail Party Problem: A Game-Theoretic Formulation, Basic Game Theory Concepts, Pareto Optimality Versus Nash Equilibria, Summary References 298

Space-Time Coding for Flat-Fading Channels ・ Introduction, Linear Space-Time Block Coding, Orthogonal Space-Time Block Coding, Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time Coding, Layered Space-Time Coding, BLAST, Full-Diversity Full-Rate Design, Trace-Orthogonal Design, Summary, References

Space-Time Coding for Frequency-Selective Channels ・Introduction, Orthogonal STBC for CP-Block Transmissions, Orthogonal STC/OFDM, Full-Diversity Schemes, Full-Rate Systems, TOD for Frequency-Selective Channels, Summary, References

Space-Time Coding for Multiuser Systems ・Introduction, Orthogonal Coding, Multiuser Suppression in Orthogonal STC Systems, Full-Rate Coding, Summary, References

Cooperative Networks ・Introduction, Random Geometric Graphs, Connectivity of a Wireless Network, Cooperative Communications, Cooperation Protocols, Alternative Distributed STC Strategies, Distributed Orthogonal Space-Time Block Coding for Frequency-Selective Channels, Summary, References

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Multiantenna Wireless Communication Systems