Introduction to RF Propagation

¥ 8,800
著 者:John S. Seybold
出 版:Wiley   /   2005年


  • 「RF safety」の章では、アプリケーション例を含んだFCC推奨の簡潔なプレゼンテーションと、実際の伝搬システムを扱ったワークが提供されています。
  • 「Antenna」の章では、様々なアンテナとアンテナ解析技術が紹介されており、アンテナ偏波と軸率についてかなり詳しく取り扱っています。また、本章には詳しい計算を行わずに伝送-送信-受信アンテナ間の軸率の不整合が原因で起こる分極損失を見積もることができるカーブセットが含まれています。
  • 「Atmospheric effects」の章では典型的な大気損失カーブが提供されているので期待損失を簡単に決定することができます。
  • 「Satellite communication」の章では雨滴減衰、大気吸収、パスレングスの決定、ノイズ温度の決定を含む大気宇宙空間の伝搬解析について詳しく解説されています。
1. Introduction.
1.1 Frequency Designations.
1.2 Modes of Propagation.
1.3 Why Model Propagation?
1.4 Model Selection and Application.
1.4.1 Model Sources.
1.5 Summary.
2. Electromagnetics and RF Propagation.
2.1 Introduction.
2.2 The Electric Field.
2.3 The Magnetic Field.
2.4 Electromagnetic Waves.
2.5 Wave Polarization.
2.6 Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves at Material Boundaries.
2.7 Propagation Impairment.
2.8 Ground Effects on Circular Polarization.
2.9 Summary.
3. Antenna Fundamentals.
3.1 Introduction.
3.2 Antenna Parameters.
3.3 Antenna Radiation Regions.
3.4 Some Common Antennas.
3.5 Antenna Polarization.
3.6 Antenna Pointing loss.
3.7 Summary.
4. Communication Systems and the Link Budget.
4.1 Introduction.
4.2 Path Loss.
4.3 Noise.
4.4 Interference.
4.5 Detailed Link Budget.
4.6 Summary.
5. Radar Systems.
5.1 Introduction.
5.2 The Radar Range Equation.
5.3 Radar Measurements.
5.4 Clutter.
5.5 Atmospheric Impairments.
5.6 Summary.
6. Atmospheric Effects.
6.1 Introduction.
6.2 Atmospheric Refraction.
6.3 Atmospheric Attenuation.
6.4 Loss From Moisture and Precipitation.
6.5 Summary.
7. Near-Earth Propagation Models.
7.1 Introduction.
7.2 Foliage Models.
7.3 Terrain Modeling.
7.4 Propagation in Built-Up Areas.
7.5 Summary.
8. Fading and Multipath Characterization.
8.1 Introduction.
8.2 Ground-Bounce Multipath.
8.3 Large-Scale or Log-Normal Fading.
8.4 Small-Scale Fading.
8.5 Summary.
9. Indoor Propagation Modeling.
9.1 Introduction.
9.2 Interference.
9.3 The Indoor Environment.
9.4 Summary.
10. Rain Attenuation of Microwave and Millimeter Wave Signals.
10.1 Introduction.
10.2 Link Budget.
10.3 Rain Fades.
10.4 The Link Distance Chart.
10.5 Availability Curves.
10.6 Other Precipitation.
10.7 Cross-Polarization Effects.
10.8 Summary.
11. Satellite Communications.
11.1 Introduction.
11.2 Satellite Orbits.
11.3 Satellite Operating Frequency.
11.4 Satellite Path Free-Space Loss.
11.5 Atmospheric Attenuation.
11.6 Ionospheric Effects.
11.7 Rain Fades.
11.8 Antenna Considerations.
11.10 Summary.
12. RF Safety.
12.1 Introduction.
12.2 Biological Effects of RF Exposure.
12.3 CC Guidelines.
12.4 Antenna Considerations.
12.5 FCC Computations.
12.6 Station Evaluations.
12.7 Summary.

Appendix A: Review of Probability for Propagation Modeling.


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Introduction to RF Propagation